Our chicks’ coop


Just wanted to put up some pics of the coop we built into our back porch for our chicks who have just turned 6 weeks old. We wanted a natural earth floor, so I put down wire and then covered with sand. The next morning we saw a small hole around the cinder blocks and decided we couldn’t take a chance with something digging in there with the chicks. I had gotten a few pieces of pergo floor that my friend had from her remodel, so we used that.

Putting in the floor


the floor pieced in and the side walls on

The front of the coop

This next photo shows the front of the coop with the door on the left. When the weather gets warmer, we are planning on removing the board on the right and replacing it with hardware cloth to make it an open air coop. We will have a little overhang around both sides and have a small run attached. I will let them free range while I’m outside with them. I recently saw a small hawk perched on the satellite dish you can see in the upper right corner of the photo, so I need to be prepared for that. I’ve also put the first coat of red paint on it.

Coop front with door

We put in a small window on one side and you can see the start of the small run I made for them.

window in the side

Chicks all in with their food, water and heat lamp. We are using pine flake on the floor.

all inSome photos I took last week. Happy and growing!


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