Category Archives: Around The Farm

Vermicomposting and our first guest blogger

Thanks to Cheryl from KC Farms for this invaluable information. I hope you will look her up and keep reading her articles. We are finally worm (Eisenia fetida, aka red wigglers) parents again. I know there are few out there … Continue reading

Posted in Around The Farm, Gardening, General | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

What to plant in the pallet fence?

I feel like I’m horribly behind getting my garden plan in order, but I think that it’s still too cold to start planting. Of course it’s 62 degrees here in February and I feel like I could have planted things … Continue reading

Posted in Around The Farm, Chickens, Gardening | 7 Comments

What to do with pallets

I like to build things and if I can build things with free wood, that’s even better. I found a great source for free pallets this morning. Of course, they really aren’t free because I did have to drive out … Continue reading

Posted in Around The Farm | 8 Comments